A draft note on Citizenship

The discussions about "who is a real Kalaaleq?" is known to spawn an eternal debate about what identifies identity (language, genetics and so on). We can use endless debates for anything, so by focusing on what we wish to use it for, then an obvious answer is to define "who can become a citizen of an independent Kalaallit Nunaat, and who can get permanent residence, and these two are not the same thing.

Our thoughts on this are that we wish to see a humane and inclusive system, even if this means that a very few may exploit this system. We are a very small nation and we have a lot of room, and there will be situations where our laws must take into consideration that people from abroad have found their way to our country.

Draft: Citizenship Act
§ 1 The right to citizenship in Kalaallit Nunaat is awarded to those who have not previously given up or lost their right to be a citizen of Kalaallit Nunaat and who

1: is born in the territory of Kalaallit Nunaat
2: meet the conditions to become a citizen of Kalaallit Nunaat, hereunder
  1. Has a registered parent, or parent to parents, or parents to parents to parents born in the territory of Kalaallit Nunaat (and their families before them also were born in Kalaallit Nunaat, i.e. that the family existed in Kalaallit Nunaat before that).
  2. In the past 3 years prior to the application has been living with and registered as living with a spouse for 3 consecutive years in Kalaallit Nunaat without any interruption and where the spouse is a citizen of Kalaallit Nunaat.

This is to ensure that everyone who has an affiliation to Kalaallit Nunaat can be granted citizenship. By going 3 generations back in time to identity this affiliation we can eliminate potential negative effects from the colonization. .

How to handle the transitional phase
§2 At the very moment of independence for Kalaallit Nunaat, following people are granted citizenship:
  1. People living as registered citizens of Kalaallit Nunaat who has lived as registered citizens for a consecutive 5 years period without interruption
  2. For incapacitated citizens or citizens below 18 years of age, registered with Guardian who is a citizen of Kalaallit Nunaat are also included in a), even if the period has not been for 5 consecutive years.
  3. 3 months are granted to decline the citizenship of Kalaallit Nunaat provided another citizenship is made available. If another citizenship is pursued, the citizenship of Kalaallit Nunaat will be invalidated cf. §1, unless this situation relates to incapacitated people cf §3.

Comment: All people who live in Kalaallit Nunaat and who wish to become a citizen of Kalaallit Nunaat are welcome. Children of mixed parents can have double citizenship until they are 18, to allow for the child to freely chose which of the parents to follow in case of a separation/divorce.

Dual citizenship
§ 3 You can not be a citizen in Kalaallit Nunaat if you have or will be awarded a citizenship with another nation after your 18th year birthday.

1: A dual citizenship will cease at the moment the citizenship of Kalaallit Nunaat has been granted.
2: If the dual citizenship is in effect for an individual after 3 months after the citizenship of Kalaallit Nunaat has been granted, then this person is no longer eligible for a citizenship of Kalaallit Nunaat.
3: Dual citizenship can be applied for and kept for citizens under 18 year of age and be kept until the 18 year birthday. after which the right to have a dual citizenship is revoked.
a) If a citizen below 18 years has dual citizenship, a declaration must be filed about which citizenship is chosen and this has to be completed within 3 months after the 18th birdtday.
  1. In the event of incapacitated citizens and in cases where this incapacitated condition exist after the 18th year birthday, then the Guardian will have to declare the citizenship chosen by the citizen within 3 months after the 18th birthday.
  2. In the event that such declaration as mentioned in a) or a-i) has not been filed, the citizenship of Kalaallit Nunaat will be revoked irrespective of reasons. To secure the right to appeal such cases, this cancellation of citizenship is excluded from the conditions in §1.
  3. If the other citizenship is lost at the 18th birthday as a result of foreign law, the citizenship of Kalaallit Nunaat will continue provided that no other citizenship is pursued. .

Kommentar: It is important that we have citizens who wish to be citizens of Kalaallit Nunaat and not just citizens while it suits them. This is where we demand that you can only be awarded a citizenship provided you have not previously denounced it and also why it is very important not to allow for a dual citizenship. If we allow for that there will be no change compared to present situation where we are not a nation.

Residence permits (very raw draft)
The objective with residence permits is to have an open and welcoming nation with humane rules for residence, without being subjected to a possible abuse of any of our rules. Therefore no public welfare options and also voting rights to our Inatsisartut will not exist unless you are a citizen. Residence permits grant you right to stay but not to vote for our parliament (Inatsisartut) unless we are in a union with another (set of) countries such as EU,where voting rights will exist for our local municipalities and EU itself).

1. Residence permits is eligible to all who
  1. has not violated our laws in a way that would lead to being expelled from the country
  2. has proven their ability or has been sponsored to provide guarantees for being able to support themselves
2. Residence permits are granted to those non-citizens who have parents or children who are citizens in Kalaallit Nunaat and also are residents of Kalaallit Nunaat.
3. Residence permits are also granted in accordance with administrative rules for
  1. dependents (accompanying spouses or children)
  2. students
  3. scientists
  4. people involved in cultural exchange or cultural undertakings
  5. workers
  6. company owners
  7. foreign diplomats
  8. refugees and asylum seekers
  9. tourists

The administrative rules will outline the conditions and the period (from a few weeks up to 2 years). These rules are administered through an immigration act. Tourists apply for tourist visa through a standard application via www. Max stay is 3 months and tourists are not allowed to engage in activities that fall under the scope of other type of visas.

General conditions
You can not vote unless you are citizen. You lose the right to paid health care, pension, social welfare if you are not a citizen.

Comment: Again, we emphasize the need for a very humane angle: We consider families who are split by separation, divorce or even death, and families who wish to stay together but where some do not want to give up their citizenship. It may lead to some exploitation by being this open, where families can "bet on two horses", but by limiting voting rights and rights to welfare options this will after all be limited.

The extreme example for refugees would be to see an organization send a ship to Kalaallit Nunaat full of refugees. We all have a duty to assist refugees, but it has to be done in a realistic way without being impacted in unnecessary hard ways. If anyone can afford to send a ship to Kalaallit Nunaat with refugees, they will also be able to afford that we send them back and we can issue fines to the transport provider. By doing it in this way we can assist refugees up to the level where it makes sense.

Who is Inuit Nutaat?

We are ordinary citizens in Kalaallit Nunaat and kalaallit in other parts of the world who share a burning desire for, and work for Greenland as an independent nation, with a population that takes responsibity for ourselves as free and independent people.

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Inuit Nutaat
Sorlaqarfik Anersaarlu Nukittuut
Inuiaqatigiit Peqqissut


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