
(FAQ / Links. This page is under construction) - a lot of this is in Kalaallisut and Danish. Also some links from Greenland Government not working at this time

FN Human Rights Office sent the special rapporteur to Greenland in 2023. His report was published on September 11, 2023: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, José Francisco Calí Tzay

AAA) Our History (Oqaluttuarisaaneq / Historie)
1. De Vestnordiske landes fælleshistorie
2. Afvikling af Grønlands kolonistatus 1945-1954
3. Erobringen af Grønland: Opdagelsesrejser, etnologi og forstanderskab i attenhundredetallet (Søren Rud, artikel i Den danske historiske forening om 1800 tallets opfattelse af grønlændere i lyset af koloniseringen)

BBB) The implementation of Self Rule (Namminersornerup eqqunneqarnera / Indførelse af selvstyre)
1. Grønlandsk-dansk selvstyrekommissions betænkning om selvstyre i Grønland
2. Namminersornerup eqqunneqarnera
3. Indførelse af Selvstyre

CCC) Self Rule Act of 2009 (Lov om Selvstyre)
1. Behandlingen af Selvstyreloven i folketingen – herunder Søren Espersens spørgsmål under udvalgsbehandlingen
2. Lov om Grønlands Selvstyre

DDD) The Commission for reconciliation (Saammaateqatigiinnissamut Isumalioqatigiissitaq / Forsoningskommissionen)
Report on how people see themselves (identity, language, experiences) (in Danish)

EEE) The Commission for Establishing our own Constitution (Tunngaviusumik Inatsisissaq pillugu Isumalioqatigiissitaq / Forfatningskommissionenkommissionen)

FFF) Debate about independence (Debat om selvstændighed)
1. Alloriarneq Tulleq - Ilulissani isummersoqatigiinneq 8. - 12. september 2016
Link på dansk: Næste skridt
2. Inuit Nutaat Speech from our national day (Inuit Nutaat - 2021-06-21)
3. Inuit Nutaat Article: Commemorating the day UN approved that Denmark unilaterally annexed Greeland in 1953 (UN General Assembly, 499th plenary meeting, November 22, 1954)
4. Inuit Nutaat: Why the 70th anniversary of the Danish constitution is a sad event for us.
5. Economic growth: Are we moving towards a new danification and neo-colonialism? (Danish and Kalaallisut only)
6. What does Danmark earn from the block grant? (Danish only)
7. What the Trump 2024 Greenland statement means (article in English only)

NAMMINIILIVINNEQ SELVSTÆNDIGHED Aviisi oqallinnernik imalik, Namminiilivinnermut, Nunanut Allanut Nunalerinermullu Naalakkersuisoqarfimmit saqqummersinneqartoq / Debatavis udgivet af Departement for Selvstændighed, Udenrigsanliggender og Landbrug, August 2017 (special newspaper section from August 2017 issued by the government to inform about Independence)

GGG) About life in general (Inuuneq nalinginnaasoq / Dagliglivet)
1. Om stigninger i selvmordsraterne i det 20. århundrede (English)
2. Time trend by region of suicides and suicidal thoughts among Greenland Inuit (English)
3. "Inuit self-determination and postsecondary education: The case of Nunavut and Greenland" - doctoral thesis by Olga Patricia Gaviria, University of Toronto. Includes a great section on our post-colonial situation in the section about "self-determination as a right and its links to sovereignty issues" as well as a great discussion on how to bring postsecondary education into play".

HHH) Culture (Kulturi / Kultur)
Julie Hardenberg / kunsten.nu

Series by Danish Televion about the history of the Realm (2016)
(Naalagaaffeqatigiinnerup Oqaluttuassartaa / Rigsfællesskabets historie – DR serie (2016))

1. Naapinnialuusaarneq
2. Namminersulerusunneq
3. Sorsunnersuit aappaat
4. Nutaamik aallartinneq
5. Piffissaq allannguiffik
6. Nammineernissamut piumasaqaatit nutaat

1. Det vanskelige møde
2. Trangen til selvbestemmelse
3. Anden Verdenskrig
4. En ny start
5. Tid til forandring
6. Nye krav om selvbestemmelse

Hvorfor vil grønlænderne løsrive sig fra Danmark? (DR kortfilm, 2020)

Aboriginal Day Live 2017 Vignette featuring Maatalii Okalik

Nunatta oqaluttuassartaa - Grønlandsk A.B.C. 1964
Nunatta oqaluttuassartaa: Grønland social set, 1965

Qapirangajuq: Inuit knowledge and Climate Change: Learn about Inuit hunters knowledge about climate change derived from experience gathered over centuries at the very frontier of the climate development. 'Qapirangajuq' in Inuktitut means 'to spear strangely' - the closest way of saying 'refraction' in Inuktitut

Who is Inuit Nutaat?

We are ordinary citizens in Kalaallit Nunaat and kalaallit in other parts of the world who share a burning desire for, and work for Greenland as an independent nation, with a population that takes responsibity for ourselves as free and independent people.

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Inuit Nutaat
Sorlaqarfik Anersaarlu Nukittuut
Inuiaqatigiit Peqqissut


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  • Instagram: #inuitnutaat
  • www.inuitnutaat.org

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